Patrick and I would love to sell our current house and buy our forever home soon! So Out of boredom i went and found our top 10 homes! The first 9 are in no particular order, but the last house I would buy today! So enjoy! Don't forget to click the links for more pictures!

This home is priced right! But it does not have enough bedrooms, it only has 3! And its out dated. I love the backyard.
Another small home! Well, not really it has about 3400sqft.. I think thats with the garage included! I just love the large front yard, and the updated kitchen! I love cape cod style homes! Its DEF. at the top of our price range.
This home needs A LOT Of work! But I love the curb appeal! the backyard is my favorite!
This house seems like it would be a lot of work! and I don't think it has a backyard! But I love the inside!
I don't know why I like this home! LOL, I just do!
Needs A LOT of updating as well! But I love the yard! I mean look how much front yard there is! And its the PERFECT location!
Another Cap Cod!! *SWOONS* Its small, but I love the oldness of it!
Perfect number of bedrooms, perfect number of bathrooms! Its just so old looking! So this one would need a lot of updating as well!

When I say this home is PERFECT, I mean its perfect! Everything about it! Its updated, throughout, The price is right! I could see myself living here! I bet you all are wondering why it isn't my #1 pick right?
The area its in! I grew up in the Valley, Graduated from University High school... But I love the South Hill! and I will NEVER move back to the Valley! If this house was on the Hill, I would buy it today LOL!
Its new! The yard is big, and its in the school district we want our kids to go to! This house does need a little updating, but nothing i wouldn't mind doing myself! its high in our price range, but Its amazing!!!