Monday, June 14, 2010

She is doing what??

I am going back to school!!!!! I will be spending the next 2 years of my life at The University Of Phoenix getting my AA in Elementary Education!
I am so excited! After that I will either stay UoP and work on my Bachelors, or tranfer to one of our other universities!
I start June 21st!
I will be doing Online classes. They have a campus her in spokane, but I thought It would be easy for me to do online with my schedule.
Alot of people think that you are alone, you have no one to socialize with, but that is not true! The professor post discussions , They have 24 hour support, its so easy to meet people. I know alot of people who make friends and such.
I am excited, I cannot wait to get my career started! I want to teach Kindergarten.

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Herbal/Supplement regimen

I am in no what shape or form downing people who go see drs. GOD put them here for a reason! My husband and I chose to conceive "Naturally". I don't like being on hormones that could alter my thinking and such! GOD put things like herbs and stuff on this earth to help us as well! So for the last few months I have been doing my research on which supplements to take! So far I have a pretty good reg.
I take:
Liquid prenatal:
Its yummy, and fruity! and we all know the benefits of prenatal vitamins
Known as the female herb, it helps to regulate hormones and should be taken either the entire cycle or the first half from menstruation to ovulation.
Raspberry Leaf Tea:
You may take this herb during the entire cycle as it strengthens the uterine lining, thus helping to lengthen the luteal phase. But do ask your healthcare provider about continuing red raspberry leaf once pregnancy occurs. Usually, it should only be taken in the last trimester of pregnancy, because it “tones” the uterus.

So thats what I take right now, I Order some other things that I will be adding to my regimen
Licorice Extract:
Works like clomid! i am still doing some research on it
Progesterone Cream:
I am also looking at getting some Maca , and The fertility cleanse

Do you ladies have a regimen as well?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Its Amazing

I swear the older I get the less I care about what people say, or think of me! I am proud of who I become, My marriage is solid, I am in love with the most amazing guy ever! My step son is amazing! Here are a few pointers for you all
  • I got married @ 18! I was a young bride and I am proud! I wouldn't change it for the world.
  • I'm 21 and *Gasps* Trying for a baby!
  • 2 years ago we almost got a divorce! But guess what? I serve a GOD who can mend anything.
For those of you who think I am to young to be married or to have a child, its your own opinion! We know we are ready and thats all that matters. We became homeowners at 20, and 22... how many people can say that? My husband has an amazing career, which is why I am able to be a SAHW... I love my life, I love my husband, and I love GOD. If you don't like it you can click the "x" in the top right corner!

God Bless

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stop Worrying

"Its going to happen in Gods timing" Thats what I need to keep telling myself. Sometimes its hard to wait and be patient, and the reason why its so hard is because you see everyone else getting their blessing, its like i am reaching for it but someone else catches it before i can. LOL sometimes i think to myself, after 3 years you would think GOD would be like "Okay I have made you wait long enough" LOL. I have never been pregnant! I just want to know what its like to have someone who is going to love me unconditionally growing inside of me. I need to put notes saying "Be patient, its ALL in GODS timing" all over the house! I am also realizing that I cannot be envious, That I need to be happy for those who are expecting, and i need to stop avoiding them, so i have started supporting those who have graduated from the TTC community!

I am just excited about what GOD has waiting for me in my future, not just baby wise, but in life general! He has done so many things for us! My husband got 2 raises, our marriage was saved, We found the perfect church! I just don't understand how people don't believe in GOD, Its like once you feel his presence you are forever changed! Man, just thinking about it makes me want to cry. I want everyone to feel what I feel, he loves me unconditionally and he can love you the same way! You just gotta believe, and once you feel him you will never turn back, just to know that you are a child of the ROYAL king, and that he is preparing a place for you, is an amazing feeling. I could go on and on about the holy spirit, but I don't wanna bore you all!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So I have...

Traded in my lovely BB Storm 2 for a...
HTC Droid Eris.... And I am not turning back.

For those who know me, know that I once was a blackberry girl! No other phone could turn me away from my one true love. But, I have been converted! I have only had this phone for a day, and I am in love!
So, Who else has an Android phone? and who do you love the most about it??